Vitamin D-3 to Boost Immunity

Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin. More and more research is drawing attention that there is correlations between low levels of this vitamin D and weak immunity. One in two people are either deficient in vitamin D or their levels are ore on lower side of the scale.

Vitamin D is considered as a precursor of our immune system and low levels of this vitamin can impact immunity in a huge way.

Low vitamin D levels is correlated with respiratory viral infections and asthma.

Research has found that vitamin D influences cellular mechanisms that are important for recognition and killing of pathogens and controlling immune functions within the lungs, Therefore Vitamin D deficiency’s Plays an important role in the development of respiratory diseases.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D3 can be synthesised in the human body and this vitamin is critical to human health and immunity.

Let us talk about the range:

  1. Individuals with levels below 20–25 ng/ml are severely deficient

  2. those above 80 ng/ml come into the toxicity range,

  3. so the idea is to maintain levels close to 60 ng/ml and above but not cross 80 ng/ml because that could lead to vitamin D3 toxicity.

If your levels are within the range but still towards the lower side, for example, 30–35 ng/ ml, you should look at boosting your levels and moving them towards the upper range. It’s very important to keep and maintain your levels within the range (but towards the upper range)

The beauty of vitamin D supplements is that they’re harmless if used the right way, in the right doses meant for you and under the supervision of your healthcare expert.

Sources of vitamin D:

The most abundant source of vitamin D is sunlight. However, that is not enough. The challenge even for those who have access to it is that either the pollution levels are so high or the ozone layers are depleted and the wrong UV rays reach us and people aren’t seeing any benefits.

Another challenge is people living in cold countries having no access to sunlight.

Hence, in most cases we need supplementation because food gives us vitamin D in micro dosages that isn’t enough for us, especially if your levels are low and are suffering from a disease.

There are supplements of varying dosages available in the market today depending on your body’s requirements.

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Nevertheless, vitamin D is also found in minute quantities in:

  • Egg yolks

  • Milk

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Legumes

  • Mushrooms

How to make the most of vitamin D3 supplement?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it’s best absorbed in the presence of fat. It is thus a good practice to consume adequate good-quality fats (e.g., cold-pressed coconut oil, A2 cow ghee, nuts, and seeds) in your daily diet, especially close to your vitamin D3 intake to maximise absorption.

This is also why fad diets are detrimental and it’s common to see low levels of vitamin D3 in people who try diets that are “fat free” and/or “cholesterol free.” Fats in the right quality and quantity is needed for so many functions, including the absorption and synthesis of vitamin D3.

That is why I personally like sakaralife meals: consist of mushrooms, clean plant protein and seeds, and nuts (loaded w good fats)


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So, get your levels checked every 6 months to see where you stand, especially if you have an ongoing problem of low vitamin D3 levels.

Discuss your dosage with your doctors on how to boost it or maintain it if they are already within a good range.

So with all those dietary And lifestyle practices: you can boost or normalize your vit D levels and ramp up your immunity.


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