How Stress Eating causes Weight Gain and How to Manage it

Stress plays a critical role in weight gain when it begins to affect our appetite. This specific category of weight gain is always troubling to me as an MD.

Stress eating affects blood sugar levels, which means it affects insulin production levels in the long run. Insulin is also known as a “fat-storing” hormone, so this is why we commonly see stress eaters with high levels of fat in their midsection area. 

Not only is this fat stubborn and hard to work off, but tends to lead to a higher risk of developing many chronic metabolic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimers. 

Moreover, people who are stressed also tend to have irregular or unhealthy sleep schedules, which can lead to a loss of motivation or depleted energy levels, regardless of the amount of time they sleep overall. Ultimately, this loss of motivation makes it difficult for highly stressed individuals to be active and exercise consistently. 

What to do to reduce stress and lose weight        

It might seem counterintuitive, but the best way to lose weight is not to try so aggressively. It’s easy to get over excited about working out, only to be sore for the next week. By taking this approach, many people become burnt out quickly and will quit working out almost as soon as they begin.

Instead, strive to maintain a stable, healthy weight by doing light exercise. My advice would be to start small and focus on being consistent with your physical activities. Then, work your way up to a more rigorous routine.  

Next, prioritize eating nutritious, healthy meals consistently throughout the day. Include plenty of vegetables and a sizable amount of good fat, found in avocado, nuts, and olive oil. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugar, avoid white bread, pasta, and fruit juices. 

If you eat regular meals that are abundant in high levels of good fat, fiber and protein – including breakfast – then you will feel fuller longer. 

To fully achieve this, your protein intake should make up around 30 percent of your daily calories. It is also important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to help you feel full. 

Additionally, I would highly recommend paying attention to what you’re eating, while you’re eating. Nowadays it's incredibly common, and tempting, to sit in front of a screen while we consume our meals. However, while this habit may feel like it is helping us, it’s actually quite counterproductive. In order for your body to know and understand that it is full, you should avoid all distractions during meals. Otherwise, you will ignore your brain and the signals it may try to send you when it’s time to stop eating. 

You should also shorten the window of time during which you consume your meals throughout the day. For example, if your work schedule only allows you to eat from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., choosing to eat a large breakfast instead of eating a large lunch or dinner, would be the wisest choice. 

This is due to the fact that anything you consume in the morning will always have an extended amount to digest throughout the course of the day. On the other hand, if you eat a large and heavy meal for dinner you most likely will not have enough time to digest the food properly. Therefore, the food is more likely to sit in your body and turn into fat. 

It goes without saying, but try to find ways to manage your stress! We have already established that stress can be a major factor in the role of weight gain. Again, exercise may be a tremendous aid in managing stress levels. Even practicing yoga, breathing exercises and meditation can help. Plan activities with friends, socialize and try to go outside for fresh air and sunshine regularly. Remember, our physical health relies on our mental health. It’s important to give yourself a break when you feel overwhelmed. 

Lastly, prioritize sleep. When we try to maintain a consistent and healthy sleep-cycle, it shows improvement in our metabolism, focus, energy and mood levels.

Be consistent, all of these tips and tricks will gradually become healthy habits over time.


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