Best Ways of Ensuring Hydration for your Weight and Health Goals

Hydration is an important aspect that can affect metabolism apart from sleep, stress, exercise/movement and intermittent fasting.

Hydration is absolutely vital for energy production and having a healthy metabolic system. After all, 60% of your body is composed of water, meaning that the clear, calorie-free liquid plays a role in just about every bodily function. The more hydrated you are, the more efficiently your body works at tasks that range from thinking to burning body fat.

Water can also help with weight loss in a variety of ways. It may suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism, and make exercise easier and more efficient, all of which could contribute to results on the scale.

Water clear toxins out of body, suppress appetite, boost your metabolism, and make exercise easier and more efficient, faster recovery time and better sleep, all of which could contribute to results on the scale.

How much water should you drink?

Every person’s water requirement is different because water needs vary on the basis of body size, activity (exercise or labor), amount and type of foods consumed, and air temperature.

Hydration levels  in your body changes constantly. There are a few methods to know about your hydration level. For the average person, three easy at-home tests can be utilized: thirst, urine color, and body weight change.

Thirst: When you’re thirsty, you’re already 1-2% dehydrated. So that’s why I recommend drinking water before you are thirsty.

Body weight change: For seven consecutive days, weigh yourself when you wake up in the morning. Next, look for three similar body weights—this is your body weight baseline. So if your body weight is one pound less than your baseline weight, you are one pint dehydrated. Drink up that missing amount of water and check if your body weight readings stabilize.

Urine color: If your urine is pale yellow, that means your body is releasing water and your urine is dilute; you are adequately hydrated. If the urine is dark, your body is retaining water and that means you need to drink more. If your urine is clear every time you measure it or several times a week, you’re probably drinking more than you actually need.

Some ways to ensure hydration including drinking water before you feel thirsty and having fruits and vegetables in your diet. Another great way to control overeating at a restaurant or party is to drink water before you order or start feasting! And don't forget to drink before, during and after exercise!

I’ve been working with some great brands that promote hydration and metabolic health and make my hydration goals easy to follow in the most meaningful ways:

@flow keeps me hydrated and alkaline in a purest way keeps me guided about my metabolic flexibility and hydration matters so much there.

@synergyscienceinc water boost my immunity and anti aging benefits with molecular hydrogen.

@resbiotic is newest addition in my metabolic health goals.


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