Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

There are many benefits of drinking alkaline water and incorporating it in our lifestyle. Latest research that supports its use shows benefits of drinking alkaline water include anti-aging, regulating the body’s pH level, and preventing acidity and chronic conditions.

As an Integrative health and Wellness practitioner, I completely believe in the science and benefits of drinking alkaline water.

What is alkaline water?

Alkaline water is as name suggests alkaline in nature. That means its PH is higher than 7, typically in the range of 8 to 9.

Normally water has a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water, especially that used as functional food contains vital trace minerals and enhances oxygenation in the body from its negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Higher negative ORP values mean higher anti-oxidation.

Water is fundamental to our wellness

In recent times due to industrial farming, land and water pollution, our drinking water is highly processed and is therefore not natural anymore. Urban dwellers in general, do not have access to pure natural water from springs or rivers, and for this reason we find that those that live in the country having access to natural water are healthier and live longer.

So as health conscious citizens, we should certainly do everything possible to make sure our drinking water has all the key ingredients in which life has evolved and thrived on our planet since millions of years.

How does alkaline water affect acid reflux and heartburn?

As per an article published in the Times, acid reflux is one of the most common health problems in America and the drugs used to treat it are the nation’s best-selling medicines. This article also provides insight into the new area of research which studies the benefits of alkaline water for reflux. In a collaborative study by the New York Medical College and Mount Sinai, a cohort study​1​ was conducted to study the benefits of alkaline water and a plant based diet for treating Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). LPR is the acid reflux condition where you get pepsin, a digestive enzyme, shooting up to the throat causing heart burn and can also be responsible for more chronic diseases. After 2 years of this natural complementary protocol, they concluded that this approach was as effective as the traditional pharmacological protocols utilizing proton pump inhibition (PPI) and standard reflux precautions.

In another study​2​ by the Voice Institute of New York, it was found that pH 8.8 alkaline water irreversibly inactivated human pepsin in vitro and has good acid buffering capacity.

Anti-aging effects of alkaline water

It is encouraging to see such good research projects where alkaline water is being studied for its anti-aging effects. In 2020, the Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry published an article​3​ about the antiaging effects of alkaline water supplementation. The results show that daily use of alkaline water provides anti-oxidant effects and delays the aging process and can possibly be used for reducing aging-related tumours in the elderly and prolong fertility, all by drinking enough alkaline water.

Another study​4​ by scientists from Poland, studied the effects of mineral-based alkaline water on hydration and metabolism in soccer players. They concluded that athletes hydrated with alkaline water were able to more effectively utilize lactate after anaerobic exercise.

So as we can see, there’s a huge potential of alkaline water to improve oxygenation and reverse aging. It is simple, safe and certainly something worth trying.

How to get alkaline water

Flow is a great alkaline water that we recommend trying. Flow alkaline spring water is naturally alkaline, which means it has a high pH level at its source.

It has essential minerals, like magnesium, potassium, bicarbonates, electrolytes and a soft, smooth taste. Its packaged in an environmentally friendly way and is a great choice to start incorporating alkaline water in your life.

Another option we love is BEAUTY WATER® + DETOX WATER DROPS from Sakara. These make it easy to create your own functional alkaline water at a low cost and contain 72 trace minerals to plump the cells, help flush out toxins and bloat, support collagen and make skin glow.


  1. Zalvan CH, Hu S, Greenberg B, Geliebter J. A Comparison of Alkaline Water and Mediterranean Diet vs Proton Pump Inhibition for Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Published online October 1, 2017:1023. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2017.1454

  2. Koufman J, Johnston N. Potential benefits of pH 8.8 alkaline drinking water as an adjunct in the treatment of reflux disease. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012;121(7):431-434. doi:10.1177/000348941212100702

  3. Logozzi M, Mizzoni D, Di R, et al. In vivo antiaging effects of alkaline water supplementation. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2020;35(1):657-664. doi:10.1080/14756366.2020.1733547

  4. Chycki J, Zając T, Maszczyk A, Kurylas A. The effect of mineral-based alkaline water on hydration status and the metabolic response to short-term anaerobic exercise. Biol Sport. 2017;34(3):255-261. doi:10.5114/biolsport.2017.66003


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